In the Berlin Ensemble, a new concept for room acoustics and immersive sound design was developed for the theatre halls in “Haus 1” and “Neues Haus”. A uniquely immersive sound design was implemented for the world-famous “Threepenny Opera” (directed by Barrie Kosky, musical director Adam Benzwi), which represents naturalness and speech intelligibility. This was developed by MMT for guest performances that are in great demand around the world. The immersive acoustic design based on d&b soundscape are verified and implemented throughout various venues. The orchestra pit was optimized in terms of sound propagation with the help of diffusing wall elements.
Pro Audio
We love theater.
Berliner Ensemble 3GO
Berliner Ensemble
Berliner Ensemble
Berliner Ensemble Bertolt-Brecht-Platz 1, 10117 Berlin
Your contact persons
Ralf Bauer-Diefenbach
Florian Kresse
MMT Network GmbH
Helmholtzstr. 2-9 A3.070
10587 Berlin
+49 30 31 01 72 21