Media Technology

We love workspaces.

50Hertz Transmission

50Hertz Transmission

The recently built Netzquartier can be found in Berlin on Heidestraße near the central train station. Media technology equipment with projection, displays, video conferences, sound reinforcement and signal distribution with controls for more than 30 meeting rooms on 12 floors as well as a conference center with variable space allocation on the ground floor were all planned. This order also included the construction of a large display wall for the control room to monitor and control the power grid, consisting of 6×4 55″ frameless displays, as well as the complete signal distribution from the workstations to the display wall.


50Hertz Transmission
50Hertz Transmission GmbH, Heidestraße 2, 10557 Berlin



Your contact persons

Philipp Schwarz

MMT Network GmbH
Helmholtzstr. 2-9 A3.070
10587 Berlin

+49 30 31 01 72 21
